Soundwork and FunctionLoops Present: Illusion Pack

“His dream was to be a DJ and bring joy to people’s hearts…” 

DJ Aviv Bouzaglo


We are honored and proud to bring you this very special Sound Pack in loving memory of Eliya Iluz.

Eliya Iluz dreamed of becoming a world-known DJ, and playing in large parties and festivals making people dance. However, his life was cut short by the brutal attack on October 7th by Hamas at the NOVA party in Israel.

Through the great initiative of Next October, we were put in touch with Eliya’s mother, and she was kind enough to provide us with not only Eliya’s story, but also with some samples of his favorite musical style, the one that he used to DJ at parties and at his final exam at the Just Music College.


The idea behind this memorial Illusion Pack is to perpetuate Eliya’s memory through an unlimited amount of music that will be created with the use of this ILLUSION PACK. The Sound pack comes full of DrumKits, Basslines, Vocals, FX, and Melodies. Everything a producer may need to produce a Mainstream Hard-Hitting Dancefloor Track. We are making this pack 100% FREE and 100% COPYRIGHT-FREE. This means that anyone can take the sounds in this pack and publish the music made with it.

The ONLY thing we ask for is that you add “In Memory of DJ Illusion” either in your Track Description or in the Credits. This will spread Eliya’s memory all around the world through the music made from this pack. 

Eliya’s dream was to become a DJ, and have people all over the world smile and dance  to his tunes. This is our way of keeping his dream alive, ensuring his spirit resonates through every beat.

We are grateful to Bat Sheva, Eliya’s mom, for helping us put everything together, and to Essi Barav, Izhar and Hila Shay, and all the wonderful team at Next October, for connecting us and for building this amazing initiative that allows for startups to perpetuate the memory of the fallen on October 7th, 2023. So that by the Next October, we will have built incredible things, impactful technologies, and new ways to improve the lives of those of us who are still here.

From the entire team at Soundwork and FunctionLoops

Thank you, and enjoy DJ Illusion’s ILLUSION PACK: Download here

If you are a Music Producer and want to participate in the Memorial Album that we are working on, please submit your remixes to

The terms are simple: You MUST use sounds from the Illusion Pack on your music track.

In Memory of Eliya Iluz

Massacred on 10/7
Nova Festival
“Black Saturday Terrorist Massacre”

Thank you to Eliya’s mother for sharing her precious son’s life story ♥️

Eliya Iluz

A 27-year-old from Ashkelon. The youngest son of the late Michael and Bat Sheva (may she live long), named after his grandfather Eliyahu, who was his sandak (the person who holds the baby during a circumcision). Brother to Osher, Aviv, and Libat; in a relationship with Mor; father to the toddler Lavie Michael.

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, Eliya was at the party in Re’im. He spoke on the phone with his mother for three hours. At 9:10 AM, he was shot and wounded in the shoulder, and a security guard from the party applied a tourniquet. Eliya managed to update his family and friends. After fifteen minutes, while still on the phone with his mother, he said they were shooting at him. His mother heard point-blank gunshots followed by silence. She remained on the line without a response. Eliya was declared missing, and on October 9, his body was identified.

Eliya studied at Neot Ashkelon School, then at “Ilanot,” and completed high school at AMIT. He enlisted and served at the Ground Forces Headquarters.

Eliya lived a rich life—he loved family meals and social events, enjoyed traveling the world, attending performances, dining at restaurants, and was always surrounded by friends. He never missed an event invitation.

Music was his life. In July, he completed his studies at Just Music College with the goal of becoming a DJ. Initially, he struggled with his studies but persevered, invested effort, and passed his exam with a score of 97. In the last months of his life, he began DJing and dreamed of becoming an international DJ. He was scheduled to DJ after Simchat Torah in Ashkelon.

DJ Aviv Bouzaglo performs for soldiers in Eliya’s memory: “His dream was to be a DJ and bring joy to people’s hearts. We’ve decided to fulfill his dream even when he’s not physically with us and commemorate him in every way we can.”

Mor was the love of his life. His young son, Lavie, looks at pictures of his father every day and understands that his father exists only in photos.

His family and friends are working to commemorate him in various ways.

#ironflowers #israel #nova #neveragain #neveragainisnow #remember #heartheirvoices #telltheirstories #oct7 #ironsword

Listen to Bat Sheva's Words for Eliya's conmemoration.